
Be Sensible When it Comes to Scents

Sniff, sniff. “What is that smell?” That is definitely not the reaction you want a potential buyer to have when they view your house. The problem with common household scents – from family pets, preferred cooking styles, smoking, or even hobbies such as model-making – is that we get accustomed to ...

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Protecting Your Home from Germs

According to studies, colds and flu bugs are passed from one person to another more often in the home than in any other location, including school and the workplace. Of food-based bacterial infections, 65% are picked up at home. What can you do to reduce the risk? Obviously, keeping rooms ...

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Selling Your House Using the Other Three Senses

Most advice on how to prepare your house for sale involves how the property will look to a potential buyer. Appearance is, of course, very important if you want to sell a house quickly and for the best price. But there are three other senses you have to satisfy as ...

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Benefits of a “Moving Out” Sale

“Stuff” accumulates. It’s a timeless principle in every household. It accumulates. And accumulates! Chances are, your basement, garage, and closets are filled with things you don’t want to have to pack and haul on moving day. The solution? Have a “Moving Out” sale! Expect a crowd. Bargain hunters love a ...

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Should You List Your Home for a High Price?

If you plan on putting your property on the market, it can be tempting to list it for a very high price in the hope that some buyer will say “yes”. But that rarely happens. In fact, it is more likely that your property will sit on the market for ...

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Reducing The Stress Of Selling

Selling a house can be a stressful process for the entire family. You need to keep the place clean and looking its best. You need to stay away during viewings. You may even need to look for a new home at the same time. Although you won’t be able to ...

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